Tuesday 25 August 2009


So what to say, I'm currently looking at 4 months(my shortest semester ever!) in Cairo. In the beginning the idea was to stay there the whole last year(of my masters). But because I have a boyfriend, who I like to see more than every other 4 months, are we just looking at the fall semester at AUC(the American university of Cairo). 

Currently it's been a bit of a mess in relations with pre-aproval, from NTNU(my current uni) and my status at AUC, but hopefully this will be resolved sooner or later, preferably sooner... Seeing that I would like to finish this year (I find 5 years of school is more than enought).

I have packed most of my suitcase today, (I've found it difficult to just pack 20kg! for four months), so thats done at least. Leaving at 5 in the morning on Thursday so to pack in the last minut is not really an option...

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